
Showing posts from January, 2016

On the Importance of Titles

I took a writing class in middle-school, and one of the things that was really stood out to me was how to give your work a title.  You had to have a title that hinted at the events to come, but without giving away any important part of the story.  For example, The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke is, obviously, about an assassin's curse.  But is the assassin the main character?  Is the assassin male or female?  What is the curse?  What caused it?  How can it be stopped/cured?  You have to have a title that gives the readers more questions than answers. On one  website for aspiring writers, there are probably over a hundred stories with a title somewhere along the lines of "The Bad Boy and the Nerd."  The title tells readers that there is a bad boy, which leads them to assume the nerd is a girl, the "and" in the title suggests they get together in the end, and the rest of the story is some unoriginal plot to do with the bad bo...