Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder is the first book in the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. The story focuses on a cyborg girl named Cinder, who is a mechanic in New Beijing. Unfortunately, Cinder lives in a society where cyborgs are viewed as less than people and are treated poorly, which includes being offered up as test samples to find a cure for Letumosis - a deadly disease that is highly contagious. Cinder lives with her step-mother and her two step-sisters, working for them as a servant because of her cyborg status. (Do you see where this is going?) One day, Cinder is visited at her mechanic stand in the market by Prince Kai, who asks her to fix his robot. As she gets closer to the prince, she gets closer to the palace, and in more trouble with her step-mother. When her step-mother discovers Cinder's disobedience, Cinder is punished by being sent away to be experimented on for a cure for Letumosis. It is quickly discovered that there is more to Cinder than ...