
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Martian by Andy Weir (Movie vs. Book)

There is a huge debate in the literary world and book lovers are extremely vehement about defending their side (which is of course the correct side).  The question?  Book vs. movie. As book lovers, we've been burned before.  The Percy Jackson movies were honestly a wreck, and extremely disappointing after all the time I devote to loving those books with my whole heart.  Hunger Games can go either way really, because a lot of it was correctly done, but at the same time there were definitely changes made.  Harry Potter is iconic, and personally I feel like it's one of the best to movie transitions every (although extreme fans will point out inconsistencies, such as Lily and Harry's eyes).  And of course there was this scene... Image found on So the point is, there are a lot of different ways a movie adaptation of a book can go.  It can be good, it can be the bane of the bookworm's existence.  In some rare cases, it can be neither,...

The Importance of a Devotional

A devotional is defined as something "of or used in religious worship."  Even if you're not religious, stick with me, because this is important in more ways that one. In many situations, a devotional is a book designed so that there is one short reading for each day of the year, often with an introduction giving background to the readings and use of the devotional, and each month might have its own intro as well.  Typically, the readings are prayers with a short reflection.  Often, the pages are only half full -  it really is just a short thing to read daily and reflect on; it's not meant to drag on and emphasize and reemphasize the same point over the course of five pages. In my perspective, a devotional is so important in daily life. From a religious standpoint , it's wonderful to be able to greet each day with a new prayer and reflection meant specifically to guide me through the day and color my viewpoint of the events that happen.  I often forget to m...