Overdue by Miranda Elaine - Promo and Review

Hello again! I was once again gifted an ARC from SocialButterflyPR - this time the book is Overdue by Miranda Elaine. While I haven't read anything by this author before, the synopsis was really cute and I was so excited to get an advanced copy of this story to read! Below is my honest review, which you can also find on my Goodreads profile: Neighbors and best friends + romance = a story I could fall for. Griffin and Leni both know what they want, but taking the final step is something neither of them are sure about. I love that as we go through the story, we see scenes from both the present and the past of their dedicated friendship, and see where it all started! I will admit to being a little impatient with the characters at times, especially Leni, but in the end the wait is totally worth it. And all the in between parts are urged on by a sassy grandmother (Nana is the best!) and the fact that Leni lives out my ideal librarian life, honestly. Plus I love the nerdy ...