Head Over Hooves by Erin Nicholas

Thank you to Social Butterfly PR and Erin Nicholas for sending me an e-ARC of this book to read and review! All I want for Christmas this year is a Drew Ryan of my own! This is the first of the Boys of the Bayou Gone Wild books to not have a Landry (or Landry relative) as one of the main two characters, but it is just as good as the rest of the series. Rory and Drew are so adorable in this cute holiday story! Rory Robins hasn’t been in Autre for long but she wants to make her mark on the community - and the Landry family. Her chance to prove herself comes with the Santa’s Village for the Boys of the Bayou petting zoo. But it’s a lot of work for one girl to do alone, not matter how determined she is. Enter Drew Ryan, visiting Autre from Appleby, Iowa. He is hoping to have a fun weekend in Louisiana, ditching his “nice guy” reputation for once, but doing so means fighting his instinct to help Rory. Rory has a set of rules for her next relationship, and Dre...