Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine is a twist on the original Cinderella story.  Ella is cursed with obedience.  If someone told her to eat, she'd have to keep eating until someone ordered her to stop.  (This actually happens in the book.)  But Ella doesn't need to obey a request such as, "Ella, will you fetch me some candy?"  Ella journeys all over the country of Kyrria, trying to find a fairy to remove her curse.  Along the way Ella encounters other magical creatures such as gnomes, ogres, and elves.  Poor Ella, going through finishing school, attending a giant's wedding, eating elvish love mushrooms, and of course obeying, obeying, obeying.  There are some things for Ella to enjoy though, including her own centaur, sliding down stair rails, meeting Prince Char, looking for a hidden passage in an old castle, a friend from Ayorthia, learning new languages, and tricking ogres who want to eat her.  Ella's life is more than a little exciting!  A nice fairy tale, very magical, but maybe more designed for 5th grade and up, this book will have you laughing at the same jokes as the characters, and sympathizing with Ella during the trials of her curse.  I loved this book, and it's definitely worth a trip to the library!


  1. Wow, I thought it was just a movie! I'll have to read that! :)

  2. The movie isn't half as good as the book!! After reading the book I watched the movie and couldn't understand a single thing that was happening!!


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