Longest Series I Have Read
I have read 2 really long series, (in number of books and in number of pages in the books). Series #1 is called The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, and it's more of an adult series. I liked the books though, so it's really (definitely) up to parents. This series is 13 books long, with another book coming out ..... sometime. :) I hope soon, because I hate to leave a series hanging, but all I can do is wait. The first book is called The Eye of the World, but there is a prequel to the series titled New Spring, if you want to read that first. The books are all really long, some are over 1000 pages. It will take a long time to read, take it from me. I finish most books in record time. :) Series #2 is titled Canterwood Crest. Also with 13 books and a friend told me there is more coming out, so I'll have to wait for those too. So much waiting!! :) I've only read 12 of the books so far and I am waiting for th...