Longest Series I Have Read

I have read 2 really long series, (in number of books and in number of pages in the books).
Series #1 is called The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, and it's more of an adult series.  I liked the books though, so it's really (definitely) up to parents.  This series is 13 books long, with another book coming out ..... sometime.  :)  I hope soon, because I hate to leave a series hanging, but all I can do is wait.  The first book is called The Eye of the World, but there is a prequel to the series titled New Spring, if you want to read that first.  The books are all really long, some are over 1000 pages.  It will take a long time to read, take it from me.  I finish most books in record time.  :)
Series #2 is titled Canterwood Crest.  Also with 13 books and a friend told me there is more coming out, so I'll have to wait for those too.  So much waiting!!  :)  I've only read 12 of the books so far and I am waiting for the 13th to come in at the library.  This series is for ages 12 and up.  Lots of teenage drama, and horses, horses, horses.  I fell in love with these books after the first one, and I'm really grateful to one of my friends for telling me about this series!!!  The first book is called Take the Reins by Jessica Burkhart.  Awesome books!!!  Definitely not as long as the Wheel of Time books, these books are only usually about 150 pages long.  Way easier to read!!  :)  I love this series and definitely suggest you read it!!!  
P.S.  If you go online to your library website, you can look up these series and find the rest of the books.


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