Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Books 4

The Battle of the Labyrinth is the fourth book in the Percy Jackson series and it is a very exciting book.  Percy, Grover, Annabeth and Tyson venture into the lair of the Minotuar searching for the creator of the Labyrinth, Daedalus.  During the search they run into monsters, goddesses and tricky decisions.  Percy battles one of his relatives, and the four friends have an unpleasant run-in with an old enemy named Luke.  Though there is many trials in the Labyrinth, the hardest one is navigating.  Unfortunately, Luke is after a way to navigate the maze too.  To top it all off, Nico DiAngelo, son of Hades, is summoning the dead and listening to the spirit of an old ghost out for revenge.  Percy and his friends must find Nico and help him, navigate the maze to find an old inventor who should have died hundreds of years ago, oh, and did I mention Grover is searching for a lost god called Pan?  Somewhere along the way the questers split up, which according to Annabeth is a really bad idea and while Grover and Tyson go one way, Annabeth and Percy head to Hephaestus' forge.  On an errand for the blacksmith god, Percy causes Mount St. Helens to explode.  He recovers on an island that doesn't exist and heads back to Camp Half-Blood, where they are burning his burial shroud, thinking him dead.  Once everyone recovers from the shock of seeing him, back to the Labyrinth they go, except this time Percy knows how to navigate through the tunnels.  So a mortal joins the two remaining questers.  Annabeth doesn't like Rachel Elizabeth Dare, but since Rachel can see through the Mist, the powerful force that keeps other mortals from seeing monsters and such, she's there guide through to Daedalus' workshop.  On the way they find Nico again, and later Tyson holding Grover, who fainted in the presence of the lost god Pan.  After witnessing the real death of Pan, they continue on their way, but Nico doesn't go with them.  When they reach their destination, they are disappointed.  Daedalus has already sided with Luke and his band of monsters.  Speaking of Luke, he shows up with a captured Nico, which is a very very bad thing.  But then things turn around as Daedalus finds out he was tricked and joins up with Percy and friends.  They free Nico and the fight begins.  During the fight, things start looking bad for the heroes and with a modified version of the wings Daedalus and his son tried to use soooooo many years ago, Percy, Nico, Annabeth, Tyson, Grover and Rachel fly out of the Labyrinth, unwillingly leaving Daedalus behind.  After once again going into the Labyrinth to get back to Camp Half-Blood, Percy stops halfway there when he senses Luke is near.  (This may not be completely accurate.  I haven't read these books in a while).  Going up the side tunnel alone, Percy spies the golden coffin that holds the pieces of the Titan Lord Luke is trying to raise from the dead.  Percy hides when he hears someone coming, and is therefore present when the Titan steps out of the coffin.  But Percy receives a giant surprise when the person that steps out is .... Luke?  It's his body, but it's not Luke.  Kronos has taken over his body.  Trapped in the room with a Titan, Percy tries to fight, but is only allowed to escape when his friends come to the rescue.  Rachel throws a blue plastic hairbrush at Luke... No, Kronos' eye and momentarily distracted he releases his magical hold on Percy.  Unluckily, Kronos regains his composure in time to stop them, but Nico summons a great black wall that traps Kronos in the room while they can escape.  After dropping Rachel off, they continue to Camp, right on time to for not long after they come out of the Labyrinth Luke's army follows.  The following battle brings Daedalus with it and after Grover ends the fight by scaring the enemy away with the power of Pan, Nico gains a soul to trade for his sister, Bianca.  But instead he releases Daedalus' soul and happily, Daedalus finally joins the dead.  It's happy endings all around, for Grover is made into a Lord of the Wild.  And .... Well if you want to know more, I guess you'll have to read the book.  I don't want to give away the whole thing!


  1. Hey if anyone who has read these books finds something in this post that didn't happen that way in the book, please let me know so I can fix it. It's been a while since I read these!


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