Author: Hilari Bell

I love Hilari Bell's books!!  I have read a lot of them and they are about magic and kings and queens and always packed with adventure!  The first of her books that I've ever read is The Shield of Stars which is the first book of a trilogy.  The second is The Sword of Waters, and the final book in the trilogy is The Crown of Earth.  Some of her other books I've read are: The Wizard Test, The Goblin Wood (also the first book of a trilogy, or series, but I haven't read the others yet), Trickster's Girl, The Prophecy, The Last Knight (first book of a series), Rogue's Home (second book of the knight series), Player's Ruse (third book of the knight series).

My favorite book of hers is definitely The Goblin Wood, which is about a hedgewitch named Makenna, who's mother was killed by the people in her village because they thought she was a demon, so Makenna left the village and went to live in the woods by the Goblin Wall, a wall designed to keep goblins out of the part of the land that humans lived in.  Makenna rescued a family of goblins and kept all the goblins safe from the humans that tried to kill them.  The hedgewitch doesn't consider herself a human after living so long with the goblins, and the people call her a sorceress.  Then one day a knight named Tobin comes along and tries to kill the "sorceress" and the goblins and Makenna have fun getting their revenge.  but much more is at stake than Makenna's life.  The goblins are in danger of being hunted down and killed completely if Makenna isn't there to protect them.  When Makenna is captured by an evil sorcerer, the one Tobin was working for, only one person can save her and the goblins.  But will he?


  1. Can you guess who's the person that can save Makenna and the goblins?


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