For all of the people out there who have read the Percy Jackson series, The Kane Chronicles, and (or) the Heroes of Olympus (series in progress) by Rick Riordan, the Mark of Athena comes out in three days.  THREE DAYS!!  I am so excited!!  I have been waiting forever (a year!) for this book to come out!  It is the third book in the Heroes of Olympus series.
The HOO series is like Percy Jackson continued.  In the first book, Rick Riordan introduces three new characters, Jason, Piper, and Leo.  If you haven't read the books, I don't want to spoil anything, but I have to say, Leo is awesome!! He is totally crazy!!  Plus his "demi-god gift" is totally awesome!!  Plus, he gets a magic tool belt!  Piper is purposely not pretty.  She hates attention.  Especially since her dad is a famous movie star and gets tons of attention.  Her PBJ sandwiches have sparklers in them as toothpicks.  Seriously.  Jason is an amnesiac.  He has no clue where he is, how he got there, and he especially doesn't remember his crazy best friend Leo and Piper, his little-bit-more-than-a-friend-friend.  So when he jumps off the Grand Canyon, is he supposed to remember he can fly?  Ooops, spoiler alert!  Hey, do you think you can guess what Greek god is each kids' parent just from the very small, like minuscule clues I gave you?  These three crazy friends go on a quest to free the queen of the Greek gods.  Hera.  Along the way they pick up their goat friend, run into King Midas (who is supposed to be dead), and Thalia (who used to be a tree).  Oh, did I forget to mention the giant, flying, fire-breathing, metal dragon?  Check out the first book: The Lost Hero, to see what other messes these demi-gods get into.
In the amazing second book: The Son of Neptune (notice the Roman name for Poseidon), we are transported to a different time.  Like maybe three months after Jason and friends do their thing.  Now we are... somewhere in California.  The first thing we notice is the weird looking kid being chased by gorgons.  Yeah, gorgons.  Like Medusa's sister's but they can't turn anyone to stone.  So, when the kid jumps off the side of the Caldecott tunnel, are we supposed to be worried?  Yeah, we are, because Percy Jackson almost died doing that.  And to top it off, the gorgons can't die!!  He can't either for some reason.  And really, all Percy remembers is his name and some girl named Annabeth.  After his crazy ride down the hill, Percy picks up a crazy lady and carries her to the camp under the Caldecott tunnel.  Turns out she's Juno, queen of the gods, and she's here to talk to Percy and his new friends, Hazel and Frank, who saved him from the gorgons.  Fun so far.  Percy lost his immortality, so now he can die, and Mars Ultor shows up at the camp, Camp Jupitor, and ruins Percy's day.  Percy may not remember much, but he knows he's met the war god somewhere before, and it wasn't pretty.  So the war god claims Frank, and then gives them a mission to go to Alaska, the land beyond the gods, to free death. So that means that Frank pretty much hates life, Hazel has to go back to a place with some bad memories, and while their at it, the gods can't help them.  Not to mention the giant army of monsters that is marching towards Camp Jupitor to annihilate it.  Throw in a rainbow goddess that throws Hostess Cupcake imitations, a bad-mouthed magic horse, and a bunch of girls who want to chain up Percy and Frank for life, and you have a really amazing, funny story.
The third book is called the Mark of Athena and it's coming out in a few days, in case you can't read capital letters.  If you want, you can read the first chapter of the book at  My work here is done.


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