My Readings (Some of Them Anyway)

Lately I went back to the library and did the usual return-pick up thing.  So, first step: Return old books.  Second step: Check out new books.  Third step: Read new books.  Check, check, and check.  Now I'm on the fourth step.  Fourth step: Blog about books.  Now, I'm not gonna blog about every single book I got, but I'll try to do most of them.  In the meantime, this post is so you know what I'm reading and am to lazy to actually have in a separate post.

Recently, I just finished two books: The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor, and the sequel  Days of Blood and Starlight.  These books are about a war between chimera and seraphim.  The chimera see the seraphim as monsters and the seraphim return the favor.  Now this isn't like and angels and devils sort of thing, there's no heaven and hell.  The main character is Karou, a human girl who works for a chimera named Brimstone.  Brimstone trades people wishes for teeth.  Big wishes, little wishes, it depends on the teeth.  Karou collects the teeth and delivers the wish coins that will disappear when the wish is made.  She doesn't know what the teeth are for and doesn't ask.  She enters a portal to the chimera's world and is let out a portal back into her world but in whatever place she is collecting teeth from.  But one day Karou meets a seraphim, Akiva.  She knows that he is her enemy and they fight, before she escapes back into Brimstone's shop.  Then when all the portals burn down, Karou is separated from Brimstone and his helpers, the only family she ever knew.  She and Akiva meet many more times and along the way they fall in love, until Akiva reveals a dangerous secret and Karou discovers who she really is.
In the second book, it's more of Karou's journey to find her family again, and it goes deeper into Akiva's life than before.  You also get some chapters with Karou's best friend as the main character this time, which is very amusing, seeing as how her friend Zuzana is kinda sacrastic and prone to violence.  Throw in some freaky monster bodies and a really, really old friend of Karou's and you have Days of Blood and Starlight.
There is a third book on it's way, but since Days of Blood and Starlight was released this year, it might be a while.

Also, 7 Kinds of Ordinary Catastrophes by Amber Kizer.  This is the sequel to a book I've mentioned in passing: One Butt Cheek at a Time: Gert Gerbaldi's Rants and Raves.  The first book was weirder than I'm used to, the Rants and Raves focusing on pretty random stuff like deodorant and underwear.  I barely finished the first book, but I hate starting a book and not finishing so I powered through.  This time though I have to confess I got to like the tenth chapter of 7 Kinds of Ordinary Catastrophes before I completely gave up.  I couldn't finish this book!  Most books are the type that I can't seem to take my head out of but this book I had to try and convince myself to read it.  I failed.  The first couple of chapters aren't bad, they're pretty similar to the first book, but after a while Gert starts freaking out about lots of things, ten chapters into the book, and I couldn't take it anymore.  Although, I did peek at the end to see how things turned out for her.  She was pretty happy I think, because it didn't end in a freak-out.

Next up:   I'm going to blog about the 13 Treasures trilogy!  It's about fairies and secrets, and the post should be up by at least Wednesday next week.


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