I'm Back Baby, and Better than Ever!

Hello!!  Sorry I've been gone so long!  Now, I know I say this every time I haven't blogged for a while, but I've decided to update every Saturday.  It's not a school day and I won't have to worry about finishing my work, and I'll have finished at least 2 books at the end of each week.  So from now on, every Saturday I'll post a new book summary.  (I've decided that's what I do.  I don't review, I summarize.)
Also, if you can take a moment to look to the left of your screen.... you should notice I have a poll up there.  On that poll is a list of books!  These are the books that I need to read, but I can't choose which to start with.  So... TAKE A VOTE!  What book have you read?  Which one has a better title?  Did your read all of them?  Great!  Tell me which one you enjoyed the most, which one you think I should read, which witch is which?  Vote for what book you want me to read first.  I'll give you until the first of October, when the poll will be taken down.  I have this sad feeling that no one will vote, but I can tell when people look at my blog, I know you're there!  All you have to do is click a button, which is what you do to get off my page, so I know you can do it.  Unless you stay on my blog 24/7, which is a little weird.  Anyway, vote for a book, win absolutely nothing!  Sorry, I have no prizes!
So to wrap it all up....

  • See you Saturdays.  Like morning cartoons.
  • Vote for a book.  Just click a random button if you must.
  • This was a short wrap-up.  I didn't even need the bullet points.


  1. I voted for Lord of the Flies only since it is about kids. I remember reading it in grade school and loving the book or at least the movie but there is a few disturbing events. All the books look like great choices and most are ones I've wanted to read. So hopefully you get some more votes and can chose where to start but I would read them all!

  2. Can you post self choreographed one direction Irish Dances on here too? I want to see it! I voted for To Kill a Mockingbird...I like the message in it!

    1. Yup! I will do that as soon as we film it! (We still haven't found a place to film.) Thank you so much for reading and voting!! Miss you!

  3. I liked all these books, but my fav is To Kill a Mockingbird. Can't wait to hear what you think of it! I agree with your mom though, read them all!
    xoxoxo Sio


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