Fan-girling like Crazy

First, I'd like to thank everyone who voted and commented.  In case you were interested, To Kill a Mockingbird won, so I'll be reading that book once I get it from the library.

Second, I'd like to apologize for not blogging the last two Saturdays.  I had dance things.  Sorry!  But I will for sure blog this Saturday.

Third, just so it's clear to everyone I'm going to define the title.  More specifically, fangirling.
To fangirl is to adore something.  I fan-girl over books, chocolate, and One Direction.  Lots of people fangirl over Nutella.  But fan-girling is more than just liking something.  You also have to mention it at least once in daily conversation.

Ex: "Oh my gosh, we were working on our project and all I could think about was Nutella.  I love it so much!  I NEED Nutella or I think I'll die."

In fan-girling, you also get "the feels" about whatever it is you fangirl over.

Ex: "You got me a whole jar of Nutella?  And I don't have to share?  This jar is so perfect.  The feels!"

Fan-girling also includes lots of squealing and fanning your hands up and down in front of your face and in most cases sitting in front of the computer blogging about whatever you fangirl about.  Fangirls are what make tumblr so popular.  It's basically a website of fangirls talking and dreaming with other fangirls.  (And fanboys too I suppose.)

So now that you know what fan-girling is....


Quick run through:  House of Hades is the fourth book in the Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan.  (I know I've mentioned him before and I've probably talked about the Heroes of Olympus.)  Basically, the third book ended on a real cliff-hanger (laughter turns into tears) which was not very pleasant for the Percy Jackson fandom.  (A fandom is like a giant group of fangirls/boys.)  We (the PJ fandom) have waited a whole year for this book and tomorrow on October 8th it is finally out and we can read it!!  And I am so excited!!  

I got a gift card to a bookstore (thank you Grandma) on my birthday (like four months ago) and I've saved it for this moment.  Tomorrow morning my mom will drive me to the bookstore (thanks in advance mom) and I will buy that book.  And the rest of my day will go a little like this...

  1. Read House of Hades
  2. Cry and Fan-girl
  3. Re-Read House of Hades
  4. Repeat step 2
  5. Re-Read The Lost Hero, Son of Neptune, and Mark of Athena*
  6. Fan-girl some more
  7. Read House of Hades again
  8. Spend the next year waiting for the fifth book of the Heroes of Olympus while re-reading the first four books.
So yeah.  My sanity is in the balance right now because if I get to the bookstore and there isn't any more copies of the House of Hades I don't even know what I'll do.  And Mark of Athena ended in such a sweet/sad/why-would-Uncle-Rick-do-this-to-us way that no matter what House of Hades will probably rip my fan-girl heart out.  BUT IT WILL BE COMPLETELY WORTH IT BECAUSE I'LL GET ALL THE CHARACTERS BACK AND MY OTP** PERCABETH*** IS TOGETHER AND SO EVEN THOUGH EVERYTHING CAN GO SERIOUSLY WRONG I'M STILL EXCITED!!
And this is the story of my life as a fan-girl.  Fan-girling like crazy over a book that I haven't even read yet.  Haha.

        Cover picture courtesy of Google

I would also like to add that I can guarantee I will be blogging this Saturday because I will need to tell you about the House of Hades (and possibly the rest of the Heroes of Olympus books if I haven't already).  I will try my best not to include any spoilers and will stay away from anything major.  See you Saturday!

*The Lost Hero, Son of Neptune, and Mark of Athena are the first three books in the Heroes of Olympus series
**OTP - stands for one true pair.  A fictional couple or wishful pairing that you completely support and love and just want them to get married already even if they are in Tartarus.
***Percabeth - Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase.  Percabeth is their couple name.  I LOVE them, they are cute and awkward at times and just adorable.


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