Blood of Olympus Part 2 - The Reading

This isn't going to be like my usual posts, where I sort of summarize the book, because that means MAJOR spoilers.  So here's my overall impression.

While reading the book, I was totally captivated.  I read for two and a half hours straight, until the book was finished.  Let me tell you.... oh my gosh!!

Percy is sassy.  Annabeth is awesome.  Sadly, they didn't have chapters in this story.  However, it was nice to see them getting a break.  They're sixteen, just came back from Tartarus, and still have to save the world.  While I was sad not to see their perspectives, I understand, and think it works better for the story.

Jason is a hero.  Piper is too.  I like to think of "Jasper" as the golden children.  They seem so... the word I'm looking for isn't perfect because they have their problems, but it's close to perfect, and it's unbelievable.  I guess I just relate to them less than I do Percy and Annabeth, and so I didn't like them much.  But, by the end of BoO, they were higher on my list of favorite characters.

Hazel is more confident.  Frank is more heroic.  They didn't have point of view's either, but let me tell you, Frank spends lots of time as animals and Hazel uses her awesome magic.

Nico is the ghost king.  Reyna is praetor of a Roman legion.  Yeah, it seems like I'm stating the obvious.  But Heroes of Olympus fans did not know just how much Nico really is the ghost king.  He's scary awesome.  I can't say anything else or I'll spoil everything, but he's one of my new favorite characters (not that I didn't like him before).  As for Reyna, she's being confronted by the ghosts of her past, and with some unlikely allies, she embodies the Roman spirit more than ever.

Leo is still my favorite ultra ADHD demigod inventor with fire powers.  I really really cannot say anything else for fear of giving away the entire ending, but he's AWESOME and he just makes me so happy.  All through the book he's sarcastic, which I love, and he's happy, which is great, and he's awesome, which is nothing new.

Some of my predictions were actually correct, which I love, and some of them were so off it's laughable, so I laughed at them.  There's even a part that's basically a direct quote from one of my predictions and I laughed because it was so creepy that I actually thought of that AND IT WAS IN THE BOOK!  I'm good at this.

Predictions aside, I'm really happy with how everyone ends up.  Could it be better?  Yeah, of course.  I'm never satisfied when a book ends because I always want more of the story.  Is the story better than I was hoping?  For sure yes!  Rick Riordan is a genius at what he does, and what he does is write.  As an aspiring author, I hope one day my books make someone feels the emotions that I feel while reading these books.

Those emotions being . . . sadness when the characters are sad . . .  frustration when things aren't going the way anyone planned . . . anger at the STUPID GIANTS AND GAEA FOR BEING STUPID (and maybe at other people/things) . . . giddiness when you discover a new OTP . . . extreme giddiness when your first OTP is adorable . . . even more extreme giddiness when your ultimate OTP does anything . . .  concern when a certain character you love gets a stupid idea . . . more concern when another character you like feels useless/unwanted/un-adorable . . . complete satisfaction when things start working out alright . . . confusion at the presence of characters you thought were out of commission for the time being . . . love for characters when they do something admirable . . . disgust at other characters for doing something less-than-admirable . . . a whole entire range of emotions that can't even be described when you finish a really good book and everything is okay and will continue to be okay and you don't want to do anything except sit and hug the book with a goofy smile on your face it's okay, even if you can't sum up your feelings in one word.

I cannot believe it's over!  The final Percy Jackson book.  It's time to say goodbye to the characters, the time where I make up my own endings for them, the time where I put the newest book on my bookshelf, and for the first time ever know that it's the last one.  Of course, I can take them out and re-read them, but every book lover knows that it's not quite the same thing.

Maybe someday Rick will revisit the Heroes of Olympus, tell us how it all works out.  In the meantime, there's always his next series to read!

The Heroes of Olympus (plus Octavian) *Fan art by Viria on*


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