My 2015 Reading/Blogging Plan

I don't do well, at all, blogging with a schedule.  If I say I'll post something "next week" chances are it doesn't show up for a month or two.  I'm so skilled in procrastination that it's hard to do anything at all with a deadline.  :)
Usually for the new year, I promise to post more often.  That hasn't worked in past years, so all I'm going to say is that I'm going to try and read more often; maybe write up a quick summary and my opinion, at least one paragraph, per book.  I'll find more authors to put on my author's page and I'll keep track of the books on the book page.  I also have a nifty checklist that I'm going to try and check off throughout the year.

On top of the checklist, I'll be adding a new page to the blog: My 2015 Reading List.  As of January 1st, every book I read will go onto the list.  The ones I feel like blogging about will have a link to the post about that book, the ones I don't feel like blogging about will just be listed along with the author and the day I finished the book.  I'm making no promises, especially because school will be a bit more intense this semester, but this is my plan.
Let's all cross our fingers that it works!


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