Books I've Read that Conveniently Relate to What I'm Doing in School

This year for my education, I am taking History of Western Civilization, Irish Literature, and then math course and a public speaking course.  The last two aren't important.  Anyway, in History and Lit, I've discovered that I'm familiar with several of the topics due to books I've read.  I've probably already blogged about several of these books (or possibly all, but I'd have to go back and check to be 100% sure).  Regardless, I am going to do it again, because this is a different context, and now they relate to my education instead of my love of reading.

Personally, I think it's really cool to read a history textbook, or a literature piece, and find that I already know several elements of what they are talking about because I read it in a fictional story (or any book outside of the curriculum).  

I am going to share with you four book series, and each series will relate to a topic in my Western Civ. or Irish Lit class.  I'm not guaranteeing anything regarding what you might learn from these books (especially since most of them I first read in middle school, and they're pretty much written for that age group), but I will share what reading these books did for me in regards to the particular subject, and how they can be slightly incorporated into my lessons now.

These posts will come probably about every other week, starting the week of September 21st.  Remember, there will be four of them, and they will be titled something like, "Welcome to: ______." If I decide I want to continue this idea, I'll file them under a new tab on the main page of my blog as "World Travels," and keep adding other books from different areas around the world and what I might have learned from them.  Keep watching for these new additions to the blog!

Thanks for reading!


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