Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Scarlet is the second book in the Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer.  One great characteristic about this book (and the next one, and the next) is that it picks up right where Cinder left off, but from a different character's perspective.  Enter Scarlet Benoit.

Scarlet lives with her grandmother on their farm - or she did until her grandmother disappeared a few days ago.  As she goes on with her deliveries and asking around about her grandmother, she comes across a street fighter by the name of Wolf (not a coincidence), who offers to come help her with the farm.  She turns him down, but they cross paths more than once and eventually they join forces to find Scarlet's grandmother.

In the meantime, Scarlet's story crisscrosses with chapters from Cinder's perspective, as she deals with recent changes in her life and builds up her plan and determination to do what it best for New Beijing (and Prince Kai).  With each chapter, the two girls get closer and closer to each other until they finally meet, and Cinder's team grows.

To sum it up, Scarlet-of-the-bright-red-hair "coincidentally" meets (a) Wolf while looking for her grandmother.  The two of them meet a cyborg version of Cinderella and her newest acquaintance, and they all drive off into space. Literally.

(By the way, Kai has chapters too, just so that readers still know what's going on with him and all the politics of New Beijing.  I really appreciated the extra insight, because even though none of the characters are near/connected to him in the story, you can't just give up on Cinder and Kai.  So it was nice to see where he was at with everything.)


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