Welcome to: Australia

This last school year, I did book club with a high school near me.  (Being homeschooled, school-year book club isn't as fun unless you do it with a high school.)  One of the books we read was Tracks by Robyn Davidson.

To be honest, I didn't completely enjoy the book.  It was, however, informative.  Mostly about camels, but also the Australian Outback and the making of magazine articles and also about being a little bit crazy and alone in a desert.  (Like I said, I didn't completely enjoy the book).

The book, written by Robyn Davidson, focuses on her solo trek across 1,700 miles of Australian Outback, like it says right on the book cover.  The journey doesn't even begin right away; instead the story focuses on her struggles finding the camels she needed and learning to take care of them, provides a bit of backstory on why she wants to trek across the Outback, and a little bit of her lifestyle and neighbors before she leaves.  From there, it tells about her journey and all the technical aspects of surviving on your own (in terms of how she did it).  There's also a camera crew and reporter who annoyed her to no end but also provided companionship when she was going a little crazy.

All in all, it was an interesting story and one of the only books about Australia that I've ever read.  It is also a movie, which can be found on Netflix.

Next Up: Wherever the books lead, I guess


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