Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert

Eve Brown has a somewhat carefree approach to life. Jacob Wayne decidedly does not. Circumstances throw these two together in a situation they can’t quite avoid when Eve hits Jacob with her car and ends up assisting him at his B&B while he recovers. While their personalities clash, neither particularly minds the arrangement. As time goes on, these two learn that their first impressions may not have been correct as they discover more about each other and themselves. In fact, they may have more in common than they think. 

Eve’s sunshine-y personality and Jacob’s icy exterior are a heart-melting combination.  So many sassy quips and witty banter moments; so much compliments both given earnestly and begrudgingly handed out: so much acceptance so freely given. This book made me want to squeal out loud multiple times. The amount of times I smiled while reading is incredibly large, and I spent most of my time wanting to hug the characters for being just so incredibly adorable.  The writing puts readers right there with the characters and all their emotions, and I love the feeling of knowing exactly how a character feels before even they themselves figure it out. Talia Hibbert is fantastic at the build up between characters and even better at the moments when everything finally comes out. 

I loved and adored the other books in this Brown sisters trilogy, but Act Your Age, Eve Brown is truly the whipped cream and cherry on top. 

Photo from my bookstagram @bookworminkayla - the cover is photoshopped into this 
picture as I did not receive a physical copy of the book

Note: I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley by Avon and HarperVoyager


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