The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

 Olive Torres is historically unlucky. She has a bad luck story for every situation - including the time she was on the news for getting stuck in a claw machine game. Her twin sister Ami, on the other hand, is the luckiest person Olive knows. So when Ami’s whole wedding party -with the exception of Olive and the best man, Ethan Thomas- it seems like the luck may be shifting. Ami offers Olive the honeymoon in Maui because it’s a non-refundable vacation. The only catch is Olive would have to go with her mortal enemy...who is, you guessed it, Ethan. But as they spend this Unhoneymoon together, they might just discover things aren’t as they seem. 

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Bonus points for the Minnesota setting - references to Edina and the State Fair had me right at home in the start of this book. And one of my favorite movie quotes from Clue (1985) is included as well. So basically the writing is fantastic on top of the story being fun!  I love Olive and while her luck is truly horrible, I think it also makes her a little more real and a little less romance-novel-heroine.  Enemies to lovers is a widely popular trope and I love seeing it in a situation like this - on vacation in the honeymoon suite with only one bed is a recipe for a great story!  Not to mention we get allllll the banter between Ethan and Olive - their regular ‘arguments’ are a highlight. 

I read this as an ebook and about halfway through, I reached a point where I thought it was all worked out and the book was almost over. Oofda was I wrong.  There are lots of layers here but I love how they get peeled back to reveal more about Olive and Ethan and help them straighten out their path and decide the truth.  I can't say more without spoiling it, but the characters have plenty of deep digging to do.  A lot of elements work together to make this one of the best books I’ve read this year!


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