A Guide to Being Just Friends by Sophie Sullivan

 Meet-cute (or meet ugly?), open communication, friends-to-lovers

4.5 stars

I love Hailey and Wes’ first meeting - practically the opposite of a meet-cute but such a fun story for later, as I’m sure we can all agree. These two have such a good rapport and despite their rocky start, they click on a fundamental level. The friendship of their dreams… if they can stay just friends. Sophie Sullivan wraps these characters up in warm fuzzies and friendship goodness but this author isn’t fooling anyone; Hailey and Wes are meant to be. 

Despite quickly becoming best of friends, these two do have plenty of differences to overcome. Thankfully, as we saw in the other two Jansen brothers book, the Jansen boys know how to apologize (or at least are quick learners), and Hailey is quick to accept chocolate whenever it is offered (relatable). 

Honestly just such a cute story of becoming friends and then so much more. While these characters have a lot to work through, they do it with grace, understanding, and open communication. 

I received an e-arc of this book to review from St. Martin's Press on NetGalley. This novel releases on January 17th, so be sure to add it on Goodreads and pre-order your copy today!


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