Author: Robin McKinley

I have read so many of her books!  I love them all, and they are the type of books I never want to put down.  I've read The Hero and the Crown at least 4 times.  That's the first one of R. McKinley's books that I read, because I got it free from a summer reading program.  I liked it immediately, and reread it several times over those next few weeks.  Then recently while I was searching for classical books online at the library, one of the books was hers.  I reserved it, then scrolled through some more of her books and got them too.  The books I got included: Beauty, The Door in the Hedge, The Blue Sword, and Chalice.  I loved them all, but my two favorite books out of all Robin's that I've read are the Blue Sword, and Chalice.  The Blue Sword has lots of adventure and it's a great read!!  Chalice is another good book, because it's different from everything I've read.  I can't describe it exactly, but I can recommend it!!  Like I said though, I've loved all of Robin McKinley's books.  She is definitely one of my favorite authors.  :)
Check out her website at


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