Book = Movie

Okay, there are lots of books that have been turned into movies.  These are fun to read because you read the book, then watch the movie, and it's like the book turns into a reality.  Or if you watch the movie first, then you read the book to find out if it's as good, that's fine too.  :)  One of my favorite out of the books that have been made movies is the Harry Potter series.  I think I like the books better, except for the 7th, because I love the movie!!!  Anyway.... another book is Bridge to Terebithia, which I didn't know was a book in the beginning, because I watched the movie first.  It's a great movie, and it kinda made the book not as exciting when I read it.  Has that ever happened to you, where you watch a movie and love it, then read the book and not like it?  There is not a lot of books that I don't like, ask my siblings, ask my mom, ask my dad, they'll all tell you that practically all I do is read.  Okay, back on subject.  One of my new all time favorite movies is called The Secret of Moonacre.  It's a really great movie about a girl who goes to live with her uncle after her parents died, and her "guardian" Ms. Heliotrope came with her.  Her uncle, Sir Benjamin lives at Moonacre Manor with a giant black dog named Wrolf, (pronounced Rolf) and a butler type character named Digweed.  Apparently, Maria Merryweather and Ms. Heliotrope are the only females that have been in Moonacre for 20 years.  And yet, who takes care of the grounds?  And cooks?  Maria is very curious and wants to know everything about Moonacre, but her Uncle is a grouchy man who won't tell her anything.  In fact, he's so cantankerous that he took away Maria's only possession from her father, a story book.  When Maria meets the mysterious cook, named Marmaduke Scarlet, he encourages her to go into the forbidden library and finish reading the book.  She does, and finds out that there is a curse on the house and the valley, and that she is the only one who can break the spell.  She also discovers that there is an evil enemy of the Merryweathers in the forest, the Demuars (not sure about that spelling, but it should be pronounced dem-wours).  Upon adventuring to the evil place to save a hare, she encounters the son of the "king" of the Demuars, Robin, and escapes only with the help of Wrolf.  Later, she and the despised Robin must work together to save the valley, because although she is the rightful Moon Princess, she can't find the Moon Pearls without going into the forest again, and no one knows the forest better than Robin.  I'm not going to give away the ending.   :)  Interesting fact about the book, I reserved it from the library and didn't realize it was the book from the movie until I picked it up.  The book, titled The Little White Horse, is not as exciting.  In the book, Sir Benjamin is very cheerful and happy, there is no Demuars, but Robin is a son of a lady who lives outside the gate, and Maria needs to return Paradise Hill to it's rightful owner.  The Men of the woods are the new bad guys, and Maria needs to turn them good.  Of course, everyone has their own opinions.  I know this is a book blog, and I just wrote about a movie, but oh well.  This time I'm recommending a movie.  *Please note that The Secret of Moonacre is a family movie.  Technically by my description you could figure it out, but just adding that fact.  :) *
P.S.  Feel free to comment!      


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