My Invisible Boyfriend by Susie Day

      4 stars!  This is a great book, with a main character who has a passion for detectives, especially Mycroft Christie, a debonair twenty-third century time traveling detective, with whom she has some illuminating, yet imaginary conversations.  Heidi's problems started at the end of summer, when all her friends returned from enjoying their breaks somewhere exciting.  The Leftover Squad has changed.   Wild Ludo is, well, still wild, more more fashion conscious and less herself.  Dai, a.k.a Big Dai, isn't so big anymore, thinks their old dedication to Mycroft Christie was "dorky", and has some serious muscles.  Fili is more emo but less in a way, and was she flirting with the new goth kid?  Heidi feels left out and so when Ludo think Heidi has a secret boyfriend, Heidi goes with it.
      Giving "Ed" a name, a ULife profile, and some (okay, maybe a lot) of Mycroft Christie's traits, making him the perfect boyfriend.  Maybe too perfect?  Her boss, Betsy, at The Little Leaf, a bakery/cafe, thinks so, but offers to help her out a bit.  Betsy is awesome, providing tons of interesting tidbits about Ed to Heidi's curious (and snoopy) friends.  Betsy's son, Teddy, doesn't help with the Ed situation much, mostly throwing sarcastic comments to Heidi.  He comes through later though, after the Leftover Squad plus boyfriends sign Heidi up to do costumes for the school play.  Teddy and Heidi are spending more time together, but he has a girlfriend which kind of bums Heidi out.
      After a while, Heidi is having trouble keeping up with her fake boyfriend and her friends, because they are all happy with their real boyfriends.  Except Ed of course, but she's him and he's her, it doesn't count.  Eventually it becomes apparent to Heidi that her friend's relationships aren't all glitter and gold and unicorns, and she tries to fix that.  If her friends are happy, she's happy.
     Then, when she suddenly gets an email from someone with the username "A Real Boy" who signs his emails "E" and says he knows her secret, she and Ed "break up" as a precaution, although Ed stays in touch with her friends so Heidi can do some super secret detective work through him.  All the while she tries to keep finding "The Mysterious E" as she calls A Real Boy.  Will Heidi be able to solve her mystery?  She's pretty confident about it, although after some horrible guesses gone wrong she isn't so sure anymore.
      When she asks Betsy for help, Betsy can't help much.  She also has some bad news to share.  The Little Leaf is December.  Betsy - and Teddy - will be moving across the country.  How much worse can things get?
      Apparently pretty bad, because now all her friends are acting completely suspicious, especially Fili. Can Mycroft Christie and some horribly 80's costumes help Heidi?


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