The Unidentified by Rae Mariz

"Everyone knows we are being watched.  It's not even something to be paranoid about.  It's a fact.  What I mean is, everybody acts like they're on TV.  Like we're stars in our own private dramas.  We'll be talking to a friend and then all of the sudden we're aware of... I don't know, being public.  We start to say our lines too loud, waiting for the audience to laugh.  Not for our friend to laugh, just... the world.  The world is watching somehow.  And we want to entertain them."  -Mariz, Rae.  The Unidentified, p. 1-2.

      Great book!  I picked it off the shelf thinking it would be kind of like the Hunger Games.  I suppose it was kind of, with the evil mastermind and the "Careers", but mostly it was The Unidentified.
      Katey, more commonly known as Kid, goes to school in an old shopping mall.  Her school is known as the Game, and everything about the Game is advertising and brand names and technology.  Until an unknown group of kids pull a prank on the Game sponsors and leave a message.  "Unidentified.  Choose your suicide."  Kid loves mysteries, but can she solve this one without getting trapped in the Game sponsors web?


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