11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass

11 Birthdays is the story of Leo and Amanda.  Leo and Amanda were born on the same day, in the same hospital.  Their relatives were the best of friends, except for one fight.  After their parents meet in the hospital and with some prompting from Angelina D'Angelo, Leo and Amanda have had every birthday together for 9 years.  Last year, for their tenth birthday though, Leo and Amanda were having a party and Amanda overheard Leo tell some of his friends that he only hung out with her because his parents made him.  After that, Amanda never talked to Leo again.  It was the biggest fight they've ever had, and it's lasted for a whole year.  With their eleventh birthday approaching fast, Amanda wishes she had never heard Leo say those things.  Then, on the day of her eleventh birthday, almost everyone goes to Leo's party and not Amanda's.  He even has a hypnotist.  A pile of presents mysteriously appears on her doorstep later that night, and after that, Amanda decides she needs to go to bed.  But the next day, it's like none of it ever happened.  It should be a Saturday, but her mom is waking her up for school.  Everything in school is the same.  What is going on?  After another failed party, Amanda goes to bed, and wakes up on Friday.  Again.  Today though, she decides she doesn't feel good.  Maybe if she changed something, everything will go back to normal.  No such luck.  When Amanda goes to school again on the fourth day, Leo leaves her a note that says they need to talk.  He's been having a repeating day too.  Will they be able to figure out how to stop reliving their birthday over and over again?  And does the sometime bus driver with the duck shaped birthmark have something to do with all the craziness?


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