Author: Wendy Mass

Wendy Mass is one of my favorite authors!  I read one of her books in like sixth grade and forgot about it until I found another book by her in seventh grade.  Turns out they were a series, but I read them in the wrong order.  In eighth grade, I got the two books again and read them in the right order.  Then I read them again.  This year, I found another book!  So I got all three of them and re-read them!  

Wendy Mass reminds us of the magic of friends, birthdays, what we want and what we need, and many other valuable lessons.  Each of her books about Willow Falls are covered in magic and mystery, all of them connected by the characters and especially Angelina D'Angelo.

I blogged about Wendy Mass' books:
11 Birthdays
Finally 12
13 Gifts


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