Embrace by Jessica Shirvington

Embrace is a story about angels, exiled, souls, Soles, and a seventeen year old girl named Violet Eden.  On her seventeenth birthday, and the seventeenth anniversary of her mother's death, Violet doesn't really feel like celebrating.
The day before her birthday, one of her best friends and the boy she has a crush on, Lincoln, lets her paint his wall.  The giant wall in his warehouse that she's wanted to paint forever, that is.  But Linc is acting kinda weird, especially when she tells him she plans on painting some sort of representation of good keeping evil away.  And then during her birthday dinner, when she bumps into a random stranger, Licoln acts like it was a serious crime.  She finds out why the next day when she accidentally overhears him say that he is not completely human.  And apparently she isn't either.  Finding out you're half angel can kinda be a shock for anyone.  To be more specific, Violet is a Grigori, part angel-part human, and the angelic part only comes out when you turn seventeen.  Grigori have destined partners, and Linc is hers.  Also, you can't have a relationship with your Grigori partner.  How the angel part happens is: if one of your parents passes away within twelve days of your birth, it opens a door for an angel to insert some of its spirit in you.  The spirit basically hibernates until you turn seventeen, which is when you're supposed to get a bunch of powers and stuff.  Except first you have to embrace.  Violet sees no reason for her to "embrace", and wants nothing to do with Grigori.  A few day later after avoiding Lincoln, she runs into the stranger from the restaurant, who's name is Phoenix and finds out that he's part of the whole thing too.  He's an exiled, basically a fallen angel.  Exiled can be either light angels or dark angels.  Violet sees no reason to stay away from him, so the two spend a lot of time hanging out.  Her dad doesn't like Phoenix, but after seventeen years with no sign of authority from him, Vi's not ready for him to start now.  After a run-in with Lincoln that ends with Violet taking a trip with the Grigori, Vi has to decide if she's sure about her decision not to embrace.  Violet discovers that Phoenix can detect her emotions, and even influence them, which is not a fun trick.  Until she realizes that he can calm her down after someone she knew, but not closely, dies.  So when Phoenix reveals some very important information about the exiled, who are Grigori's enemies, Violet has to let Lincoln, and the closest thing the Grigori have to a leader, Griffin, know.  Except they walk straight into a trap and Linc is really hurt.  Only Violet can heal him and only if she embraces.  Which it turns out translates into jumping off a cliff.  Violet knows she has to do this for Linc, she loves/hates him, but won't let him die.  So embrace she does, and when she gets back, she's more powerful than anyone expected.  But she has these dreams, like nightmares, but they bring her places for real.  And something's off with Phoenix.  Not to mention, she now hates Lincoln, and he loves her but they can't be together.  She's with Phoenix, she hates Lincoln, and something is seriously wrong with her emotions.  Now that she's a Grigori, she's supposed to be super powerful, so how did the exiles get past her so-called defenses?  And why does her life have to be so complicated?


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