Middle School Books

Hi!  I was going through my bibliographies and came across some books I really liked as a middle schooler.
First is a trilogy by Laura Anne Gilman.  It's called Grail Quest and it's about three unlikely friends, a squire, a servant girl, and a stable boy, who have to break a spell, find the Holy Grail, and defeat a Shadow.  The trilogy is set in the times of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, and of course Merlin is in there too.  The first book is called the Camelot Spell, the second is Morgain's Revenge, and the last book is the Shadow Companion.  I really liked these books and still sometimes get them out of the library to re-read them!
Next is a book called The Sisters Club by Megan McDonald.  It is really funny and tells the story of three sisters who have a club, obviously.  Alex is the oldest and she wants to be an actress, Joey is the youngest and she loves homework and wants to be a pioneer.  In the middle is Stevie and she is like the vanilla in between the chocolate and strawberry of Neapolitan ice cream.  Stevie narrates the story which has little excerpts of Alex's scripts and Joey's notebook entries, not to mention the rules of the club.  I loved this book and I really wish I was one of the sisters in this book, not that I don't love my sisters.
Finally, we have a book by James Patterson.  This book was hilarious and I laughed out loud a lot, much to the annoyance of my younger sister and brother.  Rafe Khatchadorian is a regular boy in middle school and his first day is less then great.  Luckily, his best friend Leo the Silent can fix that and soon Rafe is getting points for breaking all the rules in the school's Code of Conduct.  Rafe has a really vibrant imagination and the book is filled with illustrations of what Rafe thinks things look like or should happen.  Leo the Silent draws them all, and he make up all the rules in Rafe's game.  Nothing that can hurt other people, stuff like that.  But Rafe's teachers don't approve of his brand new attitude.  Is there something that's happened in the Khatchadorian house in the past that might make Rafe act like this?  Find out all the crazy things Rafe does in Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life.


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