The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks

I admit, I saw the movie before I read the book.  I didn't like the movie.  I loved the book.  Although the movie is like exactly the same dialogue and everything, I like being able to "hear" the characters thoughts.   It adds detail to the story and helps you understand the characters more.
This book is about Ronnie aka Veronica Miller.  Her parents are divorced, and this summer Ronnie and her little brother have to stay with their dad.  Their dad was a concert pianist and also piano teacher.  He taught Ronnie how to play.  She doesn't play anymore and even though her dad doesn't pressure her, Ronnie is convinced he only wants her there to play the piano.  Rebellious and resentful, Ronnie threatens constantly to leave.  Until she sees a raccoon sniffing around a turtle nest.  From then on, her life pretty much revolves around that nest.  And when Will, a volunteer at the aquarium who ran into her and made her spill soda down her shirt, comes by and sees she's been sleeping outside to protect the turtle eggs, he wants in.  After all, the aquarium people can't get a cage around the nest for while.  Meanwhile, Ronnie has more problems.  Her so-called friend Blaze just framed her for stealing stuff from a store.  That's one of the reasons Ronnie had to come here in the first place.  Stealing.  But she's not stupid enough to do it again even if no one believes her.  Except her dad does believe her.  How is she supposed to hate him now?  Plus, Will is really nice.  Really nice.  And Ronnie likes him, but he's not her type.  Then, towards the end of summer, something amazingly breathtakingly good happens.  Unfortunately, something tragic also happens.  What's going to happen to Ronnie now?


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