If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince by Melissa Kantor

Lucy Norton is convinced her life is bad.  Like Cinderella-before-the-bibbitty-bobbity-boo.  In fact, there is a lot of similarities between Lucy and Cinderella.  Cinderella's mother died, so did Lucy's.  They both have wicked stepmothers, and two evil stepsisters.  Unfortunately, Cinderella gets Prince Charming.  Lucy has a crush on the 'prince' of the varsity basketball team, Connor Pearson.  He doesn't know anything about her though, other than her name.  But what did Prince Charming know about Cinderella except her shoe size?
In school, Lucy is kinda a loner.  Once, in her art class, she tried to make friends with a boy who was a really good artist.  His name is Sam Wolff, and when she compliments his paintings, he says thanks,  but it's more of a could-you-possibly-crawl-back-into-whatever-hole-you-came-from-and-stop-bothering-me sort of thanks.  Then one day her popularity status is changed when she sits down at an empty table.  The popular girls, Jessica and Madison came and sat down at the other end of the table, and their boyfriends, and Connor, came too.  When the boys started talking about a basketball game Lucy had seen the other night, she accidentally let a comment slip.  After that, Connor started noticing her.  And they started going out!  Maybe Lucy actually does get a prince.  But is she sure it's Connor?  What about Sam Wolff from her art class?


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